Monday, December 22, 2008

My Incision!

Here is my incision along with my fat and the ICD the Dr. connected to my heart. I hope it's not too sick to look at. He cut by my collar bone to the beginning of my arm pit (by the crease). So the muscles and nerves to use my arm are cut. It was very painful to even move my fingers. But I have to exercise my fingers and my forearm. They are getting stronger.

My husband and kids are so awesome. They have never complained when I ask them to help me or do something for me. I love them so much and are very thankful for them. Erin cleans up the house without being asked and does anything else to help me or the family. My mom has been great in helping and feeding us. Thanks Mom! I am truly grateful for every ones support.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Life Is Crazy!

I haven't posted for awhile. Sorry, this is going to be short. I have to type with one hand. My heart has been getting worse the last couple of months and I've had a blackout about ten days ago. My doctor suggested a pacemaker last week. On Wednesday I went to the new IHC and my wonderful doctor put my life saver in. It has been extremely scary. But I'm doing great and every day I feel better. I didn't realize how sick my heart was making me. My wonderful husband has to HELP me with everything because I can't raise my left arm above my shoulder for 3-4 weeks. He has to help me shower, get dressed, get my food, my pills because I can't open the bottles. But each day I'm trying to do more. My whole family has been wonderful to help, call to see if we need anything and meals. I'm thankful for the technology we have in our lives. This picture was today, you can tell I'm feeling better but still really sore. I'll post more pictures later.